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AI Powered Team Intelligence.
for early-stage investors and founders

Startup success starts with the right team.
Get Aligned
When teams and investors understand each other, capital and success flow.
Right Team
Research-backed psychometrics to understand the team and its fit with any investor.
Secure your spot for early access.

---------- Trusted and Used by Investors and Founders at ----------


Up-Level, Instantly

Our AI-powered venture partner will save you hundreds of hours per year and help find more outliers than you can possibly discover on your own.


Forward Your Decks

All you need to do is create an email forwarding rule to our dynamic inbox.


AI-Powered Diligence

We analyze hundreds of data points about EVERY startup and conduct AI-powered first-interviews with founding teams.


Weekly Deal Memos

Each week you'll receive a digest of the best opportunities from our network, with deal memos fine-tuned to match your thesis.

Why choose us?

More than 88% of VCs want to be data-driven, yet less than 1% actually are. Do you really want to build a custom solution when we can do it for you for TODAY, for just pennies on the dollar?
Moneyball Logo
just imagine :
We review every startup and never miss any opportunity
We conduct first-interviews with the best founders
We generate psychographic profiles for founding teams
We scorecard every startup the same, without bias
We write your memos and integrate loads of 3rd party data
We do it all at a fraction of the time and cost
Do It Yourself
status quo :
You review decks for days and still miss some great startups
You waste time on 80% first-interviews that go nowhere
You miss founder dynamics that often lead to failure
You are impacted by 188 known cognitive biases
You chase founders for diligence info and write meek deal memos
You might spend hundreds of thousands on custom tech
Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the details.
When will this be available?
We're running a private beta right now and the public beta will be live in later this year. Please sign up for our waitlist and we'll get in touch more details.
How much does this cost?
Our private beta is free and we're actively working on our pricing model based on early customer feedback. Our pricing will likely scale with the number of deals we review for you.
How does the scoring model work?
We use large language models to analyze every pitch deck and loads of 3rd party data about founders, their startup, and their competitors. From there we fill in our knowledge gaps by interviewing founding teams with our AI voice-bot using personalized questions. Finally, we apply a proprietary scoring model using hundreds of data points in order to discover the best opportunities.
How do you know your scoring methodology works better than ours?
We're confident that we score startups and founding teams more effectively than most investors ever will. We can also apply fine-tuned scoring on top of our base model to match your investment thesis, so you can be sure that your unique insights are taken into account.
What stage startups do you support?
Right now we're hyper-focused on seed stage and earlier.
Do you try to make investment decisions for us?
Absolutely not. We're simply helping you save time on upfront diligence so that you can spend more time focusing on the opportunities that matter most.
What goes into the deal memo?
We provide you with a summary of the opportunity, TAM research, competitive research, psychographic profiles for the founding team, and much more.
Do you integrate with our CRM?
All you need to do to work with Moneyball is set up an email forwarding rule to send all your inbound deal flow to our dynamic inbox. From there we'll send you a weekly email digest with the best opportunities. We'll have direct integrations with top VC-focused CRMs later this year.
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Still Have Questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Feel free to book a demo.